Lúz La Luminosa Written & Created by Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez, Illustrated by Elkys Nova Díaz, Colored by Andrew Crossley.
Lauren ‘La La’ Liu is the new hero Lúz La Luminosa, fighting alongside her best friend La Borinqueña. They’re on a mission to find energy that was stolen from La Borinqueña’s star, Koeia. On this quest they meet super powered people, potentes, who may or may not want to join their team, The Nitainos. If all of this were not enough for a college student to handle, Lúz also has to face a very serious threat to her life... endometriosis, a disease that affects 1 in 10 women. Will her powers connected to bioluminescent energy be enough to fight villains or cope with her disease? This debut solo adventure introduces you to Lúz La Luminosa and the expanding universe of La Borinqueña!